Monday, November 22, 2004


since i've begun driving a bus, i notice little things that other drivers, companies and buses do and have done to them. blame it on being in the field. bus drivers are by nature a gregarious lot when you get a couple together, everyone wants to swap stories and talk shop. its the little details that count though and one of my favourites has been the destination signs on buses. our company simply has destinations, new york, oneonta, babylon and the occasional, in service for greyhound. but i've noticed things like 'have a nice day,' and 'all aboard.' ubiquitous, true, but then some drivers and/ or companies get more creative and have ' going home' or simply the destination sign reads 'home.' but my favourite has been 'LOST.' this was by greg, the driver that the world's most useless charter with involving the restaranteur trade show. he also had extensive signage posted on the bus stating flat out that if you had ice cream or chewing gum, then you were not getting on his bus. i think that he was in charge of cleaning this particular bus as well. but then again, he had a large bowl of hard candies at the top of the stairs too. i think that i'd like to see little blinders for sleeping like you would get on a flight near the door and sleeping pills, sometimes, too. one man told me as i was taking his ticket one morning if he could get the lobster instead of the chicken dinner for his meal. i told him that i'd put the request in straightaway. this got me to thinking that if i could have a custom made sign on a custom bus, i'd have one made up reading CRAZY. when someone asked me where i was going, i could simply say check out the sign.


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