Sunday, June 06, 2004

as good an excuse as the need to sleep

Feel like sleeping, came back from grocery shopping with m and the need tocheck in on this like a newborn kitten or puppy or baby(?) exists and is as strong a reason i need to just begin to type. writing as a child? yes, i suppose, but rather than go into all of the needless, redundant and boring, so already been there and done that obvious reasons as to why this metaphor is apt, i just may begin to type again, cluck, click, clack and typing with my fingers beginning to blled a bit and just get started. need to sleep. work is tiring, but rewarding. driving as i have just did back to new paltz for a short rejoinder in a errand is tiring...the need to sort out my thoughts is also an obvious one that many a writer has used as an excuse and reaason to write. its why i began a journal as a mere recounting and recanting of my day, adventures, both adreline increasing and humdrum is always there but i hope to get this all out on the page of pixels. driving as a profession is both hilarious and like riding a roller coaster and like the many suitable trips of hoboes and riders and knights errant of old a good excuse and method of getting away from what you see everyday. i love the every day life that we lead, but... i never joined the military as i had said, but this is the toughest job that i so far, love... i know, mixed metaphor, but isn't life a series of them?


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